Tara Beattie |
- public health in low income countries
- waste management in low income settings
- legionella species in compost environments
- free living protozoa and ocular infection
Doug Bertram |
- water engineering
- hydraulics and hydrology
- flooding and flood risk assessment
- urban drainage systems
- SUDs
- hydropower and water-related energy technologies
Iain Beverland
- air pollution and human health
- environmental epidemiology
- exposure assessment/characterisation
- risk-based assessment of environmental influences on health
Neil Burnside
- groundwater resource assessment for geothermal energy, potable water, and sustainable mining
- engineered remediation design (e.g. mine water treatment)
- environmental diagnostics (particularly hydrochemistry and isotopes) for assessment of human impact
- thermal energy / carbon / nuclear waste storage in shallow and deep geological reservoirs
- properties of overburden above geological storage repositories
James Dixon
- transport-energy system modelling
- e-mobility and power system integration
- transport demand modelling
- low carbon energy systems
Kate Dobson |
- characterisation, development and evolution of microstructures of materials
- multi-phase flow in porous materials (rocks, soils, concrete, other natural and engineered materials)
- evolution of porosity and permeability
- x-ray tomography for engineering, materials and geoscience applications, especially in situ observation of processes and behaviours
- the effect of freeze-thaw and wetting-drying cycles on microstructure
- design and performance of barriers for Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste;
- the hydro-mechanical behaviour of fractured rocks
- geological processes
- sustainability of critical resources (energy, soil, food, water, minerals)
- fractures, fluids and fluid rock interactions
John Douglas |
- seismic hazard assessment, particularly ground-motion prediction
- seismic risk assessment, particularly fragility/vulnerability functions
- (engineering) seismology, including induced seismicity
- multi-hazard risk assessment
- epistemic uncertainties
Gráinne El Mountassir
- bio-physico-chemical processes which may influence the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of soils and rocks including biomineralisation processes in porous media & fractured rock
- development of novel biogeochemical grouting technologies for alteration of subsurface permeability/ground improvement
- erosion of bentonite buffer and backfill material in engineered barrier systems
- influence of soil microstructure on macroscopic behaviour (e.g. collapsible soils) and hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils
Neil Ferguson
- travel behaviour, the role of land use regulation on travel and location choice and the link between accessibility and health/quality of life
- quantitative and qualitative choice analysis and GIS applications for transportation
Jannik Giesekam
- industrial strategy and decarbonisation policy
- embodied and whole life carbon assessment and management in buildings and infrastructure
- material productivity, resource efficiency and circular economy applications in built environment supply chains
- science Based Targets and corporate climate action
- process, input-output and hybrid life cycle assessment
Andrea Hamilton
- chemo-mechanics of porous materials which includes cement mineralogy and chemistry
- design of cements for radioactive waste
- novel nano-particle cements including 'synthetic' green cements and sustainability
- stability, fading and cracking in contemporary artworks
Bahareh Kamranzad |
- ocean and coastal modelling (numerical, soft computing and hybrid)
- climate change impacts
- ocean renewable energies, resource assessment and sustainability
- extreme events
- coastal protection and resilience
Charles Knapp |
- water quality determinations
- wastewater treatment
- biological indicators of environmental pollution
- eco-toxicology, bioremediation
- microcosm/mesocosm experimental toxicology systems
- microbiological community stability and resilience
- PPCP (pharmaceutical & personal care products) in the environment
- antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance in the environment
- antimicrobial susceptibility assays
- algal/phytoplankton ecology
Richard Lord |
- the utilisation of brownfield, derelict, underutilised or neglected urban land and marginal agricultural land for renewable energy, organic waste management, carbon sequestration and the enhanced provision of ecosystem services; phytoremediation or phytomanagement, bioengineering, sustainable remediation
- geology and geochemistry of resources, environmental pollution, waste, soils and sediment management
- circular economy applications in land and water, including beneficial reuse of sediments, sustainable biomass or bioenergy resources for renewable heat or carbon management
Rebecca Lunn |
- development of low viscosity grouts for ground improvement and ground sealing. Grouting technologies currently under development include micro-biologically induced mineral precipitation, colloidal silica-based grouts and detectable cement-based grouts that can be imaged post ground injection
- development of new injection based grouting systems for hydraulic barrier formation in nuclear decommissioning and waste disposal
- design and performance of bentonite barriers for Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste;
- the hydro-mechanical behaviour of fractured rocks
- the influence of faults on groundwater flow systems, with applications in nuclear waste disposal, carbon capture and storage, shale-gas production and conventional hydrocarbon production
- modelling structural geological uncertainty and its influence on fluid flow in the subsurface
Tracy Morse |
- environmental health in low and middle income countries
- social determinants of health
- behaviour change communication
- water, sanitation and hygiene
James Minto |
- fluid flow in porous and fractured media
- flow and reactive transport numerical modelling
- x-ray CT for non-destructive analysis of engineering and geological materials
- civil engineering ground improvement
- microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP): using bacteria to develop sustainable building materials
- novel grouting materials to enable subsurface energy storage
- biodegradation of road-runoff microplastic pollutants
Edoardo Patelli |
- risk assessment, reliability and resilience of critical infrastructure and systems
- nuclear safety and probabilistic risk assessment
- uncertainty quantification and reliable simulation methods including digital twin
- machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches
- human reliability analysis and interaction with autonomous systems
- decision making under deep uncertainty
- Bayesian approaches (including Bayesian Networks, Bayesian Probabilistic Approach to Structural Health, Model identification)
- validation and verification
Matteo Pedrotti |
General topics:
- experimental hydro-mechanical characterization of soils and grouted soils
- microstructural characterization of soils and hydrogels
- use of hydrogels for hydro-mechanical enhancement of soil
Specific topics:
- formation of hydraulic and chemical ground barriers to inhibit contaminant migration on radioactively contaminated sites
- use of clayey materials and hydrogel to create self-healing well barriers for underground gas storage
- carbon geological storage: understanding micro-mechanisms of CO2 capillary breakthrough and localized pathways to assess caprock CO2 leakage hazard
- soil stabilization for pavement structures
- plant-inspired technologies for soils
Marcus Perry |
- robotic imaging and sensor deployment
- sensor and smart materials development
- signal processing and damage detection algorithms
Vern Pheonix |
- environmental chemistry and microbiology
- bioremediation (capture and remediation of pollutants with bacteria)
- biofilms and capture/degradation of pollutants in natural and engineered systems
- imaging of pollutant transport in rocks, soils and biofilms
- wastewater treatment
- sustainable urban drainage systems
- innovations in cleaning urban run-off for domestic and commercial use
- generation of novel cements by bacteria for civil engineering applications
- environmental nanotechnology
Stella Pytharouli |
- Development of monitoring strategies for Civil Engineering Infrastructure
- Microseismic and geodetic monitoring of unstable slopes
- Imaging the subsurface – fault re-activation, fluid pathways
- Brownfield site investigation
- Development of methodologies for the analysis of large and noisy data sets
Jo Renshaw |
- environmental radiochemist who works in decommissioning nuclear sites and clean-up of contaminated soils and waters
Jen Roberts |
- geological contributions to net zero: CO2 storage, hydrogen underground storage, geothermal
- assessing, perceiving and conceptualising risks - particularly around the subsurface
- life cycle environmental assessment
- decision-making processes, including the role of experts and evidence in decision making, citizen representation in decision making
- just transition
- Jen is also co-director of Strathclyde's Global Environmental Monitoring and Policy Centre for Doctoral Training (GEMaP CDT)
Philippe Sentenac |
- fine fissuring detection in flood defence embankments using geophysics (miniature resistivity arrays and Electromagnetic sensors) and geotechnical sensors (tensiometers, pore pressure transducers)
- chemical attack of alcohol mixtures on consolidated clay using centrifuge experiments. Optical fiber sensor for distributed pore pressure measurements for slope stability
- industry-academia partnership in Geophysical site investigation of wind turbines footings and foundations
Zoe Shipton |
- the 3D structural and permeability architecture of faults
- understanding and communicating geological uncertainty
- fault zone structural controls on seismic events
- geological contributions to net zero: geothermal energy, CCS, waste disposal
Stephen Suryasentana |
- offshore wind foundations (monopiles, suction caissons, floating etc.)
- ground modelling using Bayesian machine learning
- numerical modelling of soil-structure interaction
- thermodynamically-consistent soil constitutive modelling
Christine Switzer |
- contaminant fate, transport and remediation
- contaminated land and water
- organic contaminants
- non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs)
- source zone characterisation
- emerging contaminants
Alessandro Tarantino |
- hydro-mechanical behaviour of soil in partially saturated states and the response of geostructures interacting with climate. This includes fundamental aspects of partially saturated soil behaviour, development of suitable equipment for laboratory and in-situ testing, and application of partially saturated soil mechanics to engineering practice (stability of natural and artificial slopes, foundation subsidence, tunnel face stability, nuclear waste engineered barrier)
Enrico Tubaldi |
- structural analysis
- seismic control of structures by means of isolation/energy dissipation devices
- seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of structures and infrastructures
- flood risk assessment of bridges
Andrew Ward |
- biosensors to detect the bacteria and associated small molecules
- design and development of electrochemical instruments for low-cost use and application in low/middle-income countries
- remote and distributed sensing to detect harmful compounds/organisms in the environment
- application of biosensors and low-cost instrumentation for the detection of pathogens in farming and agriculture
- other sensing applications where remote electrochemical instrumentation is needed
Christopher White |
- flood risk, hydrology and climate resilience
- nature-based flood risk management
- natural hazards risk management, uncertainty and decision-making
- multi-hazards and compound extremes
Shangtong Yang |
- durability of civil engineering structures and buildings
- fracture mechanics of civil engineering materials mainly including concrete and rocks
- whole life cycle analysis of civil engineering infrastructures
- failure prediction of pipelines under loads and environmental degradation
- ananotechnology and nanomaterials for enhancing durability and fracture resistance of cementitious materials