MarketingOrganisations, Markets, Networks & Innovation

We are interested in market shaping practices and dynamics, inclusive and sustainable innovation and growth. Our current research explores market interactions and networking, alternative and non-mainstream markets, international marketing, open innovation and innovation processes.

Our research and knowledge exchange activities in the public and private sector include micro-enterprises, SMEs, community businesses, large corporations and local and national governments.  Sectoral expertise includes food and drink, the creative industries, heavy manufacturing, oil and gas, public services, technology and software markets and social sectors.

We adopt a variety of research methodologies including quantitative surveys, qualitative individual and group interviewing techniques, observation studies and action research.

Through our research, we engage with a large number of organisations and our reputation extends nationally and internationally through partnerships with academics around the world.

Key themes

These include:

  • small business / social enterprise marketing
  • market (trans)formations
  • alternative & non-mainstream markets
  • sustainable market-making (in particular: Fairtrade, foods, fashion and luxury items)
  • business network development inc. social media, sales & account management
  • supply chain management/ inter-firm collaboration/resilience
  • innovation management/ implementation/open innovation
  • sustainable supply chains/ circular economy
  • routes to market; franchising
  • international retail markets and marketing

Recent publications

Wilson, J. and Tonner, A., (2020). Doing Family: the Constructed Meanings of Family in Family Farms, Journal of Rural Studies, 78, 245-253.

Drakopoulou Dodd, S., Wilson, J., Mac an Bhaird, C., & Bisignano, A. (2018). Habitus emerging: the development of hybrid logics and collaborative business models in the Irish craft beer sector. International Small Business Journal, 1-49.

Shaw, E., Wilson, J., & Pret, T. (2017). The process of embedding a small firm in its industrial context. International Small Business Journal, 35(3), 219-243.

Ghaffari, M., Jafari, A., and Sandıkcı, Ö. (2019) The Role of Subtle and Mundane Institutional Work in Market Dynamics: a case of fashion clothing market. Journal of Business Research, 105, 434–442.

Schellenberg, M., Harker, M.J. and Jafari, A. (2018) International Market Entry Mode – A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(7), 601-627.

El-Jurdi, H., Batat, W., and Jafari, A. (2017) Harnessing the Power of Religion: Broadening Sustainability Research and Practice in the Advancement of Ecology. Journal of Macromarketing, 37(1), 7–24.

Iankova, S., Davies, I., Archer-Brown, C 2020 ‘Managing Relationships on Social Media in Business-to-Business Firms’ Journal of Business Research (in Press)

Davies, IA, Tynan, C. Oats, C. Et al (13 authors) 2020 ‘Seeking sustainable futures in marketing and consumer research’ European Journal of Marketing (Online first)

Battle, A, Davies, IA, Glozer, S, & McDonagh, P. 2020 ‘Sustainable Fashion: Current and Future Research Directions’ European Journal of Marketing (Online first)

Hang, H. Schuring, J. & Davies 2020 ‘Children's conformity to normative social influence on healthy eating: A developmental perspective’ Social Science and Medicine. 224, (Online First)

Giannakis, D., Harker, M. J., & Baum, T. (2015). Human resource management, services and relationship marketing: The potential for cross-fertilisation. Journal of Strategic Marketing23(6), 526-542.

Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M.J. and Brennan, R. (2019) Marketing: An Introduction 4e Pearson Prentice-Hall [also 3e within last 5 years]

Harker, M. J., Caemmerer, B., & Hynes, N. (2016). Management education by the French Grandes Ecoles de Commerce: Past, present, and an uncertain future. Academy of Management Learning & Education15(3), 549-568

Doherty, A.M., Kerrigan, F. and Belk, R. (2020) ‘Thought Leadership in Marketing Theory and Method’, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 54 No. 11, pp. 2645-2649.

Pyper, K., Doherty, A.M. Gounaris, S. and Wilson, A. (2020) ‘Investigating International Strategic Brand Management and Export Performance Outcomes in the B2B Context,’ International Marketing Review, Vol. 37 No. 1, pp. 98-129.

Alexander, N. and Doherty, A.M (2019) ‘Overcoming Institutional Voids: Maisons Spéciales and the Internationalization of Proto-modern Brands’, Business History

Alexander, N. and Doherty, A.M. (2017) ‘The Origins of American International Retailing: Tiffany in London and Paris, 1837-1914’, Business History Review, Vol.91, no.2, pp.301-328. (Editors Pick Collection, May 2018)

Take a look at more of our publications.

Editorial roles

Associate Editor of Iranian Journal of Management Studies (Jafari, A.)

Member of the Editorial Board of Marketing Theory (Jafari, A.)

Member of the Editorial Review Board of Consumption, Markets & Culture (Jafari, A.)

Member of the Senior Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Islamic Marketing (Jafari, A.)

Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Halal Service Research (Jafari, A.)

Editorial Board Industrial Marketing Management (Wilson, J.)

Editor Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (Wagner, B.)

Associate Editor, International Marketing Review (Doherty, A.M.)

Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Marketing (Doherty, A.M.)

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marketing Management (Doherty, A.M.)

Evidence of esteem

Davies I.A (2015 onward). Patron of the Sales Performance Association

Davies I.A. (2015 onward). Research Committee Member, Academy of Marketing

Davies I.A. (2010 onwards). Academic Advisor, Commonwealth Scholarship Committee

Davies I.A. (2018) Industrial Marketing Management, Outstanding Contribution Award Winner

Davies I.A. (Most Downloaded Paper Award 2020 in Journal of Small Business Management)

Doherty, A.M. REF2021 Panel Member for C17 Business and Management Studies

Doherty, A.M, Chair, Academy of Marketing

Doherty, A.M. Member of the Royal Anniversary Trust’s Readers Panel which assesses the Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Further and Higher Education

Wilson, J. (2020 onwards). Chair, Social and Sustainable Enterprise (SSE) a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE).

Wagner, B, 2018, Finalist Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards: Multi-Party Collaboration

Wagner, B 2018 onward: visiting Professor, Vlerick Business School, Belgium

Wilson, J. (2017-2018). Expert budget adviser to the Scottish Government.

Jafari, A. (2016) Best Special Session Award of the Consumer Culture Theory Conference; Lille, France.

Jafari, A. (2015) Emerald Group’s Citations of Excellence Award for Journal article published in Journal of Islamic Marketing.

Jafari, A. (2013) Honourable Mention Award for article published in Consumption, Markets & Culture.

Jafari, A. (2018-onward) Research Fellow, Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium.

Jafari, A. (2019-onward) Chief External Examiner for Postgraduate Programmes of SOAS University of London.


Jafari, A. (2017) British Academy Newton Grant: Understanding the Dynamics of Halal Food and Beverage Market.

Jafari, A. (2016) Visiting Associate Professor Fellowship Award from The Scientific & Technological Research Council Of Turkey (TUBITAK): Understanding the Dynamics of Halal Food and Beverage Market.

Davies I.A. 2018: The British Academy Research Award: Understanding the Retail Omni-Channel Supply Chain.

Hamilton, K., Wilson, J. and Edwards, S. 2020: Leverhulme Large Projects Grants: Transformative Servicescapes and Consumer Vulnerability.

Hamilton, K. and Wilson, J. 2020: Academy of Marketing Impact Funding:  Age-Friendly Servicescapes: Building Inclusive Markets for Older Consumers

Wagner, B., Liggat, J. and MacBryde J: 2019-2021: Knowledge Transfer Partnership

Wagner, B., Liggat, J. and MacBryde, J. 2018-2020: Scottish Enterprise, Facilitation of Planned Workshop Approach to Open Innovation.

Wagner, B and Fain, N. 2017-2018, Construction Innovation Centre Scotland, Innovative Market Research and Stakeholder Mapping of the Scottish and English Offsite Construction Marketplaces

Wilson, J., Danson, M., Drakopoulou Dodd, S. and Karampela, M. 2017: Scottish Universities Insight Institute: Exploring emerging potential and challenges of extended collaboration for Scotland’s craft beer sector.

Paddison, A., Gill-Simmen, L., Harker M.J., Kelley, N. 2019: Academy of Marketing Teaching and Learning Grant: Exploring Signature Pedagogies in Marketing

Wilson, J., Harker, M.J., Evanschitzky, H., Murdy, S. and Stringfellow L. 2018: Academy of Marketing Teaching and Learning Grant: Appraising Methodology Training Provided to PGR Students at UK Institutions

Harker, M.J., Brennan, R., Murdy, S., Ward, J. and Wilson, J. 2018: Academy of Marketing Teaching and Learning Grant: Investigating External Examining for Marketing