Physics Research News

Fermi-type acceleration of interstellar ions driven by high-energy lepton plasma flows

In a recent paper it is found that Stochastic acceleration and shock acceleration can occur naturally in sequential two stages when a lepton flow propagates in a background interstellar plasma.

December 2015

Visiting Professor John Pickup receives Honorary Degree

Photophysics Visiting Professor John Pickup receives a Honorary DSc from our Principal Jim MacDonald at the November Graduation Ceremony.

November 2015

Hilbert's Hotel takes a quantum twist

An optical experiment realizes one of the room-changing operations in the Hilbert Hotel—a fictitious establishment that illustrates some perplexing properties of infinity.

19th October 2015

Diffraction-controlled laser-driven proton acceleration

The electron bunches were produced by focusing a high-power laser pulse into a supersonic helium gas jet. These ‘bullets’ of charged particles have a length that is one 300th of the breadth of a hair and travel at a speed close to that of light. They are also 10 times shorter than those produced from conventional accelerators.

12th October 2015

EPSRC Quantum Technology Fellowship: Hybrid Quantum Interface

Jonathan Pritchard has become one of just 10 academics in the UK to secure a prestigious fellowship worth almost £1 million for the development of hybrid quantum technologies.

29th September 2015

Research boost for future fusion reactor

The EU Funded 4-year project ADAS-EU has helped researchers understand key behaviour of hydrogen in high temperature plasmas found in fusion reactors. The project was co-ordinated by emeritus professor Hugh Summers.

15th September 2015

Next generation High Power Lasers

Researchers at the University of Strathclyde are developing groundbreaking plasma based light amplifiers that could replace traditional high power laser amplifiers.

21 August 2015

From quantum to classical

Strathclyde researcher shows that classical observations of quantum systems are a fundamental part of quantum mechanics – no assumptions necessary.

13 August 2015

Quantum particles put under the microscope

Researchers at the Department of Physics have achieved imaging of individual fermionic atoms in an optical lattice. Such an optical lattice is made of interfering laser beams, creating an “artificial crystal of light” in which atoms can be held like marbles in the hollows of an egg carton.

13th July 2015

High Power Terahertz Radiation from Laser Plasma

Recently, Zheng-Ming Sheng and co-workers from China, USA, and Japan have demonstrated to produce such a kind of THz sources via a mechanism called linear mode conversion, in which electromagnetic waves are converted from electrostatic waves excited in plasma.

24th June 2015

Optomechanical Self-Structuring in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

A team of researchers from the Department's Optics division have recently published a paper on Optomechanical Self-Structuring in a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) in Physical Review Letters.

27th May 2015

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships

Congratulations to both Marco Piani and Bruno Peaudecerf who were awarded prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships.

21st May 2015

Lossless Loss at the Quantum Level

John Jeffers and co-workers at Heriot-Watt, Singapore, Southampton and Troyes have performed an experiment that confirms a theoretical prediction made by John Jeffers in the Journal of Modern Optics way back in 2000.

21st May 2015

Keynote at EAP2015

David Birch was a Keynote Speaker at the Emerging Analytical Professionals conference held in Bristol on May 8th-10th 2015.

21st May 2015

SUPA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship

Congratulations to Philip Yip for being awarded a SUPA INSPIRE knowledge exchange fellowship for a secondment to Horiba Jobin Yvon IBH Ltd.

20th May 2015

Culham thesis prize winner - Dr David Maclellan

Dr David MacLellan has been awarded the Institute of Physics’ Culham Thesis Prize for 2015.

4th April 2015

Breakthrough in Particle Control creates Special Half-vortex Rotation

A breakthrough in the control of a type of particle known as the polariton has created a highly specialised form of rotation. Professor Andrew Daley was part of the research team from the Universities of Strathclyde and Pittsburgh, and Princeton University, who conducted a test in which they were able to arrange the particles into a ‘ring geometry’ form in a solid-state environment. The result was a half-vortex in a ‘quantised rotation’ form.

March 2015

Rapid-Fire Amplification beyond the Quantum Limit but without Quantum Resources

John Jeffers and recent CNQO PhD graduate Electra Eleftheriadou have recently published a paper on the State Comparison Amplifier in Physical Review Letters.

31st March 2015

Strathclyde physicist joins Scotland’s National Academy

The Department is pleased to congratulate Professor Dino Jaroszynski on his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

6th March 2015 

Noted Publications of 2014

Strathclyde Physics has been recognized for papers published in 2014.

2nd March 2015

Discriminatory optical force for chiral molecules

In a recent paper in New Journal of Physics, Robert Cameron, Stephen Barnett and Alison Yao demonstrated that readily producible types of light can be employed to exert a force that accelerates chiral molecules in opposite directions.

27th February 2015

“Spooky action at a distance” key in telling physical processes apart

In their paper, Necessary and sufficient quantum information characterization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering, published in Physical Review Letters, Dr Marco Piani of the Department of Physics and Prof John Watrous, at University of Waterloo, break new ground in the study of the usefulness of quantum steering.

14th February 2015

APS Outstanding Referee

John Jeffers has been elected as an Outstanding Referee by the American Physical Society.

5th February 2015

Optics in 2014

A joint contribution between Strathclyde Physics and the Institut Non Linéaire (INLN) in Nice on Optomechanical self-structuring of cold atoms has been highlighted as the most exciting peer-reviewed optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months in Optics & Photonics News, published by the Optical Society of America.

15th January 2015