The department has a particular expertise in economic policy. All the work of our other research clusters is informed by policy-relevant academic research. In tandem, we also have a particular focus in its own right – reflecting over 45 years’ of experience from the Fraser of Allander Institute (FAI) – in commenting upon, advising and researching economic policy. Much of this work is highly applied with direct engagement with policymakers and industry being a hallmark of our approach.
Our Fraser of Allander blog is one of our principal routes to communicate on topical discussions, through analysing the latest economic data, providing comment and analysis on key public debates, and making some of the academic research that we undertake accessible to a more general audience. It receives hundreds of thousands of page views annually and generates a large amount of media attention.
At the same time, academics from across the department can be regularly seen in the media and taking on key roles on government advisory boards and parliamentary committees. We passionately believe that our research must have a purpose beyond academia and be used to help inform better policymaking and businesses to grow.