Postgraduate Virtual Open Week 11-15 March
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PhD, MPhil Computer & information sciences

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Research opportunities

You can study an MPhil over the course of one year or a PhD over the course of three years. Part-time study is also available.

You can study either option in any of our research groups:

Saudi Arabia programme

Female members of academic staff in some Saudi universities may be eligible to apply for PhD entry under our External Joint Supervision Programme. This allows for study to take place in Saudi Arabia with occasional student visits to Strathclyde. In the first instance, prospective applicants should contact the External Joint Supervision Programme administrators in their home institution as local university support is required.

Concept of a futuristic computer made of small cells600x600

View our current research opportunities

Advancing Multi-Agent Approaches to Intelligent Smart Grid Control

The University of Strathclyde’s Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering is offering a three-year fully funded PhD in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Smart Grids. This is based within the Intelligent Systems Team and will investigate distributed intelligence and the application of state-of-the-art Multi Agent System and related AI techniques to the control of distributed energy systems and smart grids.




Spiritual approaches to health information practices

Spirituality and religion is an important aspect of many people’s lives. Often however this is missed from the provision of health information which focuses purely on the scientific and secular. This thesis will investigate the relationship between spirituality/religion and how people make decisions about their health. This will enable us to see if we can create health information services that are more appropriate to how people think about their lives.




Adapting Large Language Models to Specific Domains

Large Language Models (LLMs) such, as Chat-GPT, are currently changing all the ways in which people interact with and get help from computers. Since the current changes in the fields of natural language processing and AI in general are so quick, then many aspects of LLMs are not understood, So, adapting them to specific domains is just starting. This includes healthcare, security, business, education, and many others.




Applying Large Language Models in Clinical Context

Super-large language models such as ChatGPT have demonstrated surprising abilities in handling natural language, solving mathematical problems and writing programming code. Still, there is very little formal assessment of their capabilities in specialised domains, such as medical. The project will explore how certain various clinical events (such as readmitting a patient to a hospital) can be predicted based on the notes that the health professionals write in free text form.




Applying Large Language Models in Security Context

Super-large language models such as ChatGPT have demonstrated surprising abilities in handling natural language, solving mathematical problems and writing programming code. Still, there is very little formal assessment of their capabilities in specialised domains, such as computer security. For example, we can look at watermarking if the generated content, code-word detection, malevolent content detection, authorship identification, etc.




John Anderson Research Studentship Scheme (JARSS)

John Anderson Research Studentship Scheme (JARSS) doctoral studentships are available annually for excellent students and excellent research projects.

There are two main sources of funding:

  • Central University funding
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - Doctoral Training Partnership (EPSRC - DTP) funding.

The JARSS 2023/2024 competition will open in October 2023 and students successful in this competition will commence studies in October 2024. Faculties will set their own internal deadlines for the competition.

Academics/Supervisors make the applications for this scheme and there are various deadlines across the Department and Faculties, therefore, in the first instance, all interested students should contact the Department where they would like to carry out their research.




THE Awards 2019: UK University of the Year Winner
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Fees & funding

All fees quoted are per academic year unless otherwise stated.

Entrants may be subject to a small fee during the writing up period.

Fees may be subject to updates to maintain accuracy. Tuition fees will be notified in your offer letter.

All fees are in £ sterling, unless otherwise stated, and may be subject to revision.

Annual revision of fees

Students on programmes of study of more than one year (or studying standalone modules) should be aware that tuition fees are revised annually and may increase in subsequent years of study. Annual increases will generally reflect UK inflation rates and increases to programme delivery costs.

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  • 2024/25: TBC
  • 2023/24: £4,712
England, Wales & Northern Ireland
  • 2024/25: TBC
  • 2023/24: £4,712



Take a look at our funding your postgraduate research web page for funding information.

You can also view our scholarships search for further funding opportunities.

Additional costs

International students may have associated visa and immigration costs. Please see student visa guidance for more information.

Please note: the fees shown are annual and may be subject to an increase each year.

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Support & development

Postgraduate Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PgCert RPD)

As part of your PhD degree, you'll be enrolled on the Postgraduate Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PgCert RPD). 

This certificate is designed to support you with your research and rewards you for things you'll do as a research student here.

It'll help you improve skills which are important to professional development and employability:

  • knowledge and intellectual abilities to conduct your research
  • personal qualities to succeed in your research and chosen career
  • standards, requirements and conduct of a professional researcher in your discipline
  • working with others and communicating the impact of your research to a wide range of audiences

All you have to do is plan these activities alongside your doctorate, documenting and reflecting your journey to success along the way.

Find out more about the PgCert RPD programme.


The University Careers Service can help you with everything from writing your CV to interview preparation.

Student support

From financial advice to our IT facilities, we have a wide range of support for all students here at Strathclyde. Get all the information you need at Strathlife.

Postgraduate research at the Strathclyde Doctoral School

The Strathclyde Doctoral School provides a vibrant and comprehensive student-centred research and training environment in order to grow and support current and future research talent.

The School encompasses our four faculties and is committed to enriching the student experience, intensifying research outputs and opportunities, and ensuring training is at the highest level. As a postgraduate researcher, you'll automatically become a member of the Strathclyde Doctoral School.

Find out more about the Doctoral School

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Research supervisors are assigned to you by the Department of Computer & Information Sciences. Let us know in your application who you'd like to work with, but the department will team you up with the best supervisor for your project.

Once we've received your application, your research proposal is passed to potential supervisors for consideration. If it's not compatible with the researcher's current projects and they are unable to supervise, it's passed along to another for consideration. If they can supervise you, they’ll confirm and nominate a potential second supervisor.

As soon as a second supervisor is confirmed, an offer will be sent to you through Pegasus, our online application system.

When you accept our offer of study, you'll receive a full offer in writing via the email address you'll have provided.

NameResearch methodologies & topicsCurrent PhD student topics
Dr Robert Atkey 
  • formal analysis of programming languages via type theory, denotational semantics, and theorem provers
  • resource aware type theory
Dr Leif Azzopardi

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.  Developing, evaluating and modelling information rich and information intensive applications and agents -- and thus we develop novel Recommender Systems and Information Retrieval Systems underpinned by Natural Language Processing, Language Modelling, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

  • 4 Year EU funded project on Domain Specific Search and Information Extraction and Retrieval (DoSSIER) for Information Professionals, with projects inc:
  • Building economic models of information-interactions
  • Modelling and measuring the cognitive costs of interaction
  • Developing exploratory search interfaces for professional search
  • Deep neural models for contextual search
  • 3 Year EPSRC funded project on Cumulative Revelations of Personal Data
  • 4 Year EPSRC iCase project with BAE on Optimising Information Intensive Interfaces in High Pressured Situations
  • 4 year industry project with Thales on Agent Reliability on Trust and Performance in Human-Agent Collaboration
  • 4 year project on Analyzing the relationship between Bias and Performance in neural and language models2.5 year Knowledge Exchange Project with BIP Solutions on applying machine learning to procurement search
  • Modelling and measuring search engine result pages with economic theory (in collaboration with Microsoft)
  • Developing and evaluating interactive conversational search agents (with Capita)
  • Developing continuous active learning agents for systematic search
Dr Milena Dobreva
  • Innovation labs in GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) sectors
  • Data spaces for digital heritage 
  • Digital transformation and digital heritage
  • Information behaviour related to dis- and misinformation 
  • Open science infrastructures
Prof Feng Dong
  • AI to support knowledge discovery
  • Visual data analytics
  • Computer vision and image analysis
  • Health data interoperability
  • Medical visualization and computer graphics
  • Investigating Artificial Scientific Creativity for New Scientific Discovery in Plasma Physics.
  • Predicting Suicidal Ideation with Machine Learning Algorithms in Real Time. The study will use patient healthcare records to predict suicidal ideation using data mining techniques. 
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Radiotherapy: A CT imaging based neural network autonomous system for clinical decision support used in automatic radiation dose calculation for Lung Carcinoma (Lung Cancer). 
  • Predicting Suicidal Ideation with Machine Learning Algorithms in Real Time. The study will use patient healthcare records to predict suicidal ideation using data mining techniques.
Dr Mark Dunlop Usability of mobile systems including mobile text entry, sensor-driven interaction and evaluation of mobiles. He is increasingly interested in digital health applications of mobile HCI research. User, Keyboard, Design, Patient, Smartphones, Application, Mobile Device.
  • Developing a Software Architecture for the Usage of Internet of Things for Water Sustainability in the Agriculture of West Africa.
  • Mobile CrowdSourcing.
  • Identify novel metrics from free-living physical behaviour data and their relationships with clinical measures and health outcomes.
Dr Kieren Egan
  • Healthy ageing & digital health.
  • Clinical study designs, epidemiology, and the development and implementation of innovations to impact upon healthcare.
  • Caregivers & people with Dementia. 
  • Development and implementation of a virtual ward to support remote and rural Community Hospitals in the Western Isles. 
  • Preventative & personalised digital health technologies in dementia: the development of a digital prototype to better support people with dementia & their carers. explore supporting early-stage maintenance of physical activity in caregivers at home using digital devices and/or motion sensors.                 
Dr Mohamed Soliman Elawady
  • Robotics vision
  • Medical imaging
  • Image processing and analysis
  • Developing an AI-based system to analyse Urban landscape changes and provide recommendations to improve sustainability and tackle existing urban limitations. 
  • Wireless network sensors.
Prof Anil Fernando
  • Video coding and communications for automated driving
  • Virtual/Augmented/Mixed reality applications
  • Media applications for 5G/6G
  • Video coding for machines
  • AI for animal health
  • AI for insurance and creative industries
  • AI based media for advertising Energy aware media distribution
  • AI and media based low cost education for developing countries
  • AI based automated animal welfare technologies
  • Machine Learning as a Tool for Determining the Condition of Various Subsystems of Petroleum Refineries in Nigeria.
  • Fully autonomous secured personalised advertising technologies for traditional TV broadcasting (ADVERT4U).
  • IoT wireless networks security using blockchain proof of location.
Prof Neil Ghani Data type, Models, Parametic Polymorphism, Standards, Functions, Semantics, Programming Language, Vectors, Type Systems, Reasoning, Extensive Form Game, Recursive Definition, Recursion, Rule Induction, Programs, Inductive Definition.  
Prof Martin Halvey Multimodel Interaction, Interactive Information Retrieval and Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • E Learning HCI.
  • Interactive Information Retrieval- Measuring & Modelling Cognitive Cost & Effort.
Dr Perla Innocenti
  • Cultural Heritage Informatics
  • Digital Preservation and Curation
  • Migration and social inclusion
  • Information practices in heritage routes, from walking pilgrimages to hiking routes
  • Ethics challenges in information systems, Information, Digital Libraries, Practice, Heritage.
  • Digital preservation and curation practices at the Saudi National Center for Archives and Records.
  • Assessing ethical risks in information systems.
  • PhD Studentship code; 2079 Walking back to happiness: recording, sharing and wellbeing on pilgrimage routes.
  • End of Maximum Duration 30 September 2026
  • Field of Study Development of a virtual community of practice to enhance building knowledge, sharing experiences and technology acceptance among older aged visitors at religious heritages pilgrimage.
Dr Clemens Kupke Automaton, Expressive Logic, Semantics, Models, Probabilistic Strategy, Closure, Transition System, Argument.

Quantum Computing on noise-resilient quantum computing. Coalgebraic foundations for quantitative verification.

Dr Marilyn Lennon
  • Digital Health
  • User centered design and/or evaluation of health and wellness technologies
  • Mobile apps for self management and wellbeing
  • Reminder systems
  • Lifestyle apps
  • Smarthome technologies
  • User acceptance and user experience
  • Implementation of health technologies in communities, homes, and care settings
  • Multimodal interaction
  • Haptic and/or audio interaction
  • The use of data analytics to improve the delivery of telehealth services in Scotland.
  • User centered design of digital products and services for supporting older adults with sensory impairment in their medicine management.
Dr John Levine Domains, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Gentic Programming, Optimization, Game Playing, User, Integer Programming.  
Prof Roma Maguire Her research interests include Digital Health, Remote Patient Monitoring, Supportive Care, Predictive Modelling and Values Based Medicine. Her research spans several clinical specialities including cancer, dementia, cardiac and respiratory disease and palliative/end of life care. She has led several multi-site supportive care and digital health studies in the UK and across Europe.
  • Developing a digital tool to manage cognitive decline among people with prostate cancer during treatment.
  • Developing a digital Self-Management tool for people with Chronic pain. A co-design, development and feasibility study of a novel inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) remote monitoring digital technology in patients treated with monoclonal antibody biologics (MABs). 
  • The role of cognitive behavioural therapy as an adjunct to the treatment of patients with asthma, with a focus on remote delivery via app development and other technology.
  • Improving Hepatocellular Cancer Risk Detection with explainable and trustworthy AI.
Prof Radu Mardare Logics in computer science, logical analysis of systems, computational paradigms, semantics of computation, stochastic and probabilistic systems, quantitative computational paradigms, model theory, category theory. Categorical approaches to probability theory.
Dr Conor Mcbride Renaming, Semantics, Container, Programs, Funtions, Invartiants, Recursive Definition, Doamins.

Linear types, Graded monads, linear types, type theory, graded modalities, performance.  Quantum computing.

Dr Lisa Mccann

Person-centered digital health interventions and working with people across the life course. Her particular interest areas include families with children with complex health care needs, teenagers and young adults diagnosed with cancer, adults diagnosed with cancer, remote patient monitoring, patient reported outcomes and collaborative / co-design approaches to digital intervention design and development.

Factors Influencing the Advancement of Digital Health Interventions for Children and Young People in Low to Middle Income Countries: The Case of South Sudan.
Dr Yashar Moshfeghi Computer Science User, Models, information retrieval, Brain Activity, Roles, Accuracy, Detention, Experimental Result.
  • Deterministic models and machine learning. 
  • Information System Management.
  • How machine learning and data gathering techniques can improve a sector in social innovation. 
  • Detection of cognitive overload from fighter pilot brain signals Description: making use of machine learning technologies to classify time series EEG signals from a fighter pilots allowing for the detection of cognitive overload within the brain. 
  • Artificial Intelligence. 
  • Predictive in Ambulance service, using machine learning in the prediction of the volume of call and position of the ambulance service.
Dr Karen Renaud Human-Centred Security and Privacy. Employing behavioural science techniques to improve security behaviours, and in encouraging end-user privacy-preserving behaviours.  Development of an age verification mechanism using a range of desktop sensors to gather information about psychological and behavioural differences.
Prof Crawford Revie The intersection of informatics and the life sciences; in particular with data-driven models of disease and host-parasite dynamics in both human and animal populations. Novel methods to collect, manage and make statistical inferences from large and heterogeneous data sets. Many of the requirements for NLU/NLP supported tasks within e-commerce can be equally served by task-specific language models, with a smaller associated cost than those found in task-agnostic models, such as GTP-3 or T5.
Prof Gobinda Chowdhury Digital libraries and information services trying to understand how people access and use information and data in different contexts. Recent research includes information systems and services for addressing global challenges and sustainable development.
  • A comparative Analysis of University Library Automation in Nigeria and United Kingdom.
  • The development of collection management policy regarding historic/special collections in public/research/academic libraries.
  • Investigating user interactions with online banking/finance systems.
  • Using Semantic Web technologies to link datasets, creating metadata for these sets of data or improving the quality of existing metadata.
Dr Richard Roper Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Computer Personnel, Mental Model, Software, Evaluation.
  • Fitness Function Hierarchies for Autonomous Systems Evolution.
  • Bringing together the latest research in explainable AI and probabilistic planning to equip future on-board autonomous spacecrafts with robust and interpretable mission planning and scheduling systems. 
  • AI planning and execution systems for onboard autonomous spacecraft that are capable of robust mission planning.
Prof Wendy Moncur Human aspects of cybersecurity. Trust, identity, privacy, security online. Life transitions and the role of the internet - e.g. becoming a parent, traumatic events. Improving Access to Online Accounts for Adults Living with Cognitive Impairments and their Caregivers
Prof Ian Ruthven Information Seeking Theory, Interface design for Information access, User studies. Information retrieval, qualitative and quantitative research methods
  • Reality and Future Vision of Children's Libraries and Information Centres in Kuwait: A Field Study. 
  • A BizDevOps Team Structure Framework To Enhance The Software Quality. 
  • Meaning-making is crucially dependent on our ability to find information but we may need to develop new information behaviours and new ways of interacting with information during a meaning-making journey. 
  • Configurable, Exploratory Search Interfaces: Provide support tools to aid the user in creating search and filtering pipelines for analyzing results in the context of academic search
Dr Sotirios Terzis Middlewear, Persuasive Computing, Application, Computing, User, Computing Environment, Contexts, Smart Environment. Context-aware E-learning for Smart Classroom.
Dr Daniel Thomas Accurate and ethical measurement of security and cybercrime. By measuring security and cybercrime we can monitor improvement, evaluate interventions and inform regulators. This reveals which techniques work and provides the missing economic incentives to improve security and reduce cybercrime.

Measuring security. Measuring Cybercrime. Vulnerability modelling. Internet cartography. Internet policy inference. ICS honeypots.

Prof Jeff Yan Security, Privacy, Cybercrime and Forensics. Vulnerability discovery and mitigation in pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing networks

Our research

We research a wide range of areas including theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, information sciences and software systems. 

Our research projects are funded by a wide range of organisations including the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, the Arts & Humanities Research Council, the Economic & Social Research Council and the European Union.

Find out more about our research

International students

We've a thriving international community with students coming here to study from over 140 countries across the world. Find out all you need to know about studying in Glasgow at Strathclyde and hear from students about their experiences.

Visit our international students' section

Glasgow is Scotland's biggest & most cosmopolitan city

Our campus is based right in the very heart of Glasgow. We're in the city centre, next to the Merchant City, both of which are great locations for sightseeing, shopping and socialising alongside your studies.

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Entry requirements

We look for a first-class or upper second-class UK Honours degree, or overseas equivalent, in a computer sciences discipline from a recognised academic institution.

If English isn't your first language, you'll also need to have an IELTS score of 6.5 as proof of English proficiency.

The application

During the application you'll be asked for the following:

  • your full contact details
  • transcripts and certificates of all degrees
  • proof of English language proficiency if English is not your first language
  • two references, one of which must be academic
  • funding or scholarship information
  • research proposal of 250-1,000 words in length, detailing the subject area and topic to be investigated.

By filling these details out as fully as possible, you'll avoid any delay to your application being processed by the University.

Accepting an offer

Once you've accepted our offer, we'll need you to fulfil any academic, administrative or financial conditions that we ask.

UK or EU students

If you're applying as a UK or EU student, you'll then be issued with your registration documentation.

International students

An ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) clearance certificate is a mandatory requirement for some postgraduate students in science, engineering and technology.

Find out if you need an ATAS certificate.

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2023 - Sep 2024

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

Computer and Information Sciences

Start date: Oct 2024 - Sep 2025

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Contact us

Computer & Information Sciences

Telephone: +44 (0)141 548 3189


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26 Richmond Street
G1 1XH