Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesMeet our graduates

You're going to learn a lot. Be ready for the information you'll have coming your way. It may not all make sense to you up front, but your placements will put everything into perspective.

Niharika Mehta, MSc Clinical Health Psychology
The dissertation enabled me to develop skills such as critical thinking, time-management, work-life balance and academic writing. The training in various therapies was particularly helpful as it offered an opportunity to learn the essential skills for a practitioner by trial and error. Along with theoretical knowledge, the programme has helped me develop practical skills to excel in my career.

Dr Claire Dunn, PGDE Chemistry with Science
Teaching in Glasgow secondary schools is every bit as rewarding and impactful as I anticipated, and I am very grateful to those around me who encouraged me to take the leap of faith and apply for the PGDE.

Marina Boyer, PGDE French
My PGDE degree has been vital in preparing me for my role as a French teacher. With a strong foundation in teaching theories and methodologies, I learnt how to create engaging lessons and to adapt those lessons to individual needs.

Savio Baptista, graduate entry law LLB
Quite a number of my assignments in law school were scenario based, so this experience has been helpful whenever I am assigned legal research tasks. As well, I credit these assignments for improving my writing skills.

Panagiota Katsonopoulos, MSc Autism Studies
Having students from other disciplines provided the best environment to exchange knowledge and learn from each other through constructive conversations. Moreover, a very good asset of this course is their excellent professors, that will support and guide you throughout this journey.

Alan Smith, PGDE Psychology
I chose to study at Strathclyde as they are the institution that is pioneering in Psychology Education. The work they have done to help grow Psychology is outstanding and I was pleased to be a part of this step in the right direction for our school’s curriculum.

Roma Shafiq, MSc International Social Welfare
This course and the university opened my mind up to the different things going on in the world and really enhanced my knowledge whilst making new friends from around the world with very different cultural backgrounds.

Andrea Torrance, MSc Health History
I was lucky to meet like-minded people on my course and form a great support network throughout the year. My professors have all been wonderful and provided positive and constructive feedback on my work, which was helpful and encouraging.

Abigail Meek, undergraduate law LLB
The vast choice of classes meant that I got to study parts of the law which really interested me. Researching and working on my dissertation was very enjoyable as it allowed me to delve into a niche section of the law and create a unique project over the year, which, in turn, enabled me to take great pride in what I had achieved.

Nicola McIntyre, PGDE Physics
I don’t think there is anything you can do to prepare yourself for your first time teaching, you just have to jump in and do it. Be as organized as you can and you will be fine.

Emily Price, MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy
My time at Strathclyde, and particularly on placement, prepared me to manage my varied client caseload and to understand how to maintain boundaries, both within work and between work and my personal life.

Magdalena Ifesie, MSc Psychology with a Specialisation in Business
The ability to study what I am interested in at a prestigious university without compromising my life was very attractive. I was able to create my own learning schedule that worked with other commitments. Being able to study at my own pace was also very helpful.

Sumra Anis, MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy
In Pakistan, the concept of Mental Health is still new and people are not comfortable with visiting a Mental Health Practitioner in need. I took this gap or challenge as an opportunity and now as a psychotherapist I am spreading awareness of Mental Health in Pakistan.

Jason Park, MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy
Working in placement gave me the opportunity to apply my learning with real clients and ongoing support. The experience was so useful for instilling confidence that I could apply theoretical knowledge to my practice.

Dr Craig Lamont, MRes Creative Writing
My whole journey at Strathclyde was instrumental for my career. It was here that I learned how to write essays to a higher standard, how not to write essays, how to express myself creatively, how to work as part of a team, how to publish and edit a book, how to wander the library and lose track of time reading about something new.

Emma Cassells, PGDE Modern Studies
I wanted to become a teacher to try and make a difference in young people's lives and to hopefully inspire the same passion and interest in my subject that I have.

Robert Gale, PGDE English
Each day is a different experience, and getting to see my students grow, and learn to improve themselves is a very satisfying thing.

Steven McNeil, PGDE Physical Education
My advice to anyone considering studying the PGDE course would be to just go for it. I know from experience that it can be daunting to leave full-time employment to go back to university, especially for mature students like myself, but I can honestly say that it is worth it in the long run.

Yue Lin, MSc TESOL & Intercultural Communication
After finishing my internship in a public secondary school, I decided to take a postgraduate course in English education in order to learn new teaching methods and theories from other countries systematically aside from those traditional ones I learned in Chinese schools.

Siyu Luna Luo, MSc Business Translation and Interpreting
All of my lecturers and my supervisor at Strathclyde were very helpful and supportive. It was a wonderful and unforgettable experience to study in Strathclyde and also live in a city with marvellous buildings and warm-hearted people.

Kunal Tilak, LLM International Relations, Law & Security
The best thing about studying at the University of Strathclyde is its location. Centrally located, in the heart of Glasgow, makes it such a sought-after university. The research facilities, the world-class library and the modern infrastructure are the things that I find the best about Strathclyde.

Carol Maguire, PGDE Computing
Every class is different, every school is different and every pupil is an individual. I don’t think I can say I had any two lessons that were the same.

I had expected the course to be hard work, and it was, but what I had not expected was that the time spent in the classrooms on winter evenings and cold Saturday mornings would be quite such a stress-relief!

Edna Ayeley Okine, LLM International Law and Sustainable Development
I had always wanted to make practical contributions in the areas of academia and integrated development. Furthering my studies was therefore a way for me to realise my dreams. I found that Strathclyde’s LLM in IL&SD specifically offered an avenue to get both theoretical and practical knowledge and opportunities in my interest areas.

Fiona McKay, PhD Journalism
It has been instrumental for me gaining my current job. Following on from my Masters, I was in the fortunate position of simultaneously working as a professional journalist as well as working towards a doctorate. Having both these strings to my bow fit the requirements of my current role.

Dr Huaping Li, PhD Education
I chose the University of Strathclyde because it is one of the largest providers of teacher education in Europe and it is a university known for its commitment to making itself as a place of useful learning. My four year PhD experience at the university has shown that the university and staff members, both academic and administrative, are always keeping their commitment by taking a student-centred approach.

Derek Timpany, MEd Educational Leadership
I personally enjoyed the lecturer-led sessions, however, there was also ample opportunity to engage in professional dialogue with fellow students. We heard from a number of guest speakers and subject experts and were assessed by a range of methods including presentations, essays and my personal favourite, a work-based project.

Chloé O'Hare, PGDE Chemistry
The most important piece of advice I have is contact your tutors, talk to your peers, if you are struggling with anything the quicker you ask for help the quicker the problem will be resolved, do not stress yourself out overthinking, your tutors are there to help and they only want the best for you.

Gabriella Bennett, BA Journalism and Creative Writing
It gave me brilliant contacts and taught me how to look more closely at the world. How to scrutinise things without being scared of people thinking I was stupid for not having the answers yet. It also gave me a killer reading list.

Paul Campbell, MEd Education
The best part of my job now is the dual element of being able to work with a fantastic community of learners, being able to support their learning and growth, and student leadership in the school through the Student Council.
Vedika Sukhatme, MSc Clinical Health Psychology
Strathclyde gave me an understanding of the subject and how vast it can be. It opened doors I never thought existed.

Emma McNeil, PGDE Geography
Treasure the people you experience this journey with and utilise each other as much as you can when it ends. I made the most amazing friendships with people during my time at Strathclyde and feel so grateful to know I will now have them in my life forever.

Kirsten Thornton, LLM Criminal Justice & Penal Change
I can’t possibly choose just one memory to be the highlight. From the interesting classes and fascinating guest lecturers, to the lively class discussions and the amazing people, I am so grateful to have had this experience.

Aishah Ali, PGDE Chemistry
Placements are where you can put all you have learnt into practice, it allows you the opportunity to develop as a teacher, build positive relationships and work with really talented members of staff. It is very tiring and challenging but also extremely rewarding and beneficial.

Tao Fu, PGDE Mandarin
I also loved my time on placement. I did my placements at three schools, which definitely boosted my teaching skills. The experience of observing other teachers’ lessons and controlling your own teaching pace was invaluable.

Valerie Zhang, Intercultural Communication and Global Business
Subjects such as leadership, politics and marketing have exposed me to a variety of interesting topics, and it can help you find out what subject you like best and what you want to do in the future. The programme is also challenging, as it is a completely different culture from the Chinese way of working in terms of classes and assessment. Even the Scottish accent takes some getting used to – it’s all part of the experience.

Christina Mārie Tay, MSc Mediation and Conflict Resolution
I would absolutely encourage anyone interested in working in the field of mediation and conflict resolution to complete the MSc Mediation and Conflict Resolution through University of Strathclyde. The calibre of the lecturing staff, the course components and camaraderie was outstanding. The cohort I studied alongside were from all around the world which made it a truly international masters degree.

Jordan Denton, PGDE History
I chose to complete my teacher training in Glasgow because I had just spent 4 years of my undergrad studying, researching, writing and dreaming about British and European history without really experiencing it. Strathclyde offered a one year program, still the same credentials and qualifications if I had attended in Ontario but one year shorter, more placement time spent in classrooms teaching and I got to live in Glasgow!

Corina Florakis, PGDE French & Italian
Learning languages for me has always been so interesting, I have been fascinated by how languages work and develop, so, I wanted to do something that I enjoy and that allowed me to be surrounded by languages. I like thinking I am passing this passion on to my students… I hope they can see it.

Tom Hall, MSc Public Policy
Since finishing the MSc course in September 2015 I have worked in the third sector, for two children and young people focused charities – Includem and Early Years Scotland, before starting in my current role with Colleges Scotland in February 2019. I also had a highly enjoyable internship with the National Autistic Society in the run-up to the Scottish Parliament Elections of 2016.

Carla Findlay, BSc Mathematics with Teaching
Looking back at my time at Strathclyde I couldn’t just pick one highlight. For me, meeting new people from all different backgrounds and making new friendships is definitely one of them. I now have friends for life and I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

At Strathclyde the teaching of the PGDE truly sets you up for the classroom, especially in the setting up and running of practical science lessons. It became apparent talking to other students that this was not common across all universities.